Zuhause Nachrichten 5 popular myths about CBD
5 popular myths about CBD

Due to the growing interest in hemp products, many dangerous myths have arisen around them. In this article, we present the five most popular of them.


#1. MYTH: CBD oils are psychoactive.

This is a popular myth among a section of the public who only associates cannabis with marijuana (drugs). It should be clearly emphasized that proven CBD oil has no right to be psychoactive.

#2. MYTH: CBD oil is made from the same hemp as marijuana (Cannabis Indica Lam.).

This is clearly not true. Legal cbd oil is obtained from hemp (Cannabis Sativa L), which is a species with a significantly reduced amount of THC in dry matter, but rich in all other beneficial substances found in cannabis.

#3. MYTH: CBD oil sold in EU is the same as medical marijuana.

First of all, CBD oil and medical marijuana are made from two different plants – CBD oil is made from Cannabis Sativa L., on the other side medical marijuana is made from Cannabis indica Lam. Secondly, medical marijuana is available only on prescription. Thirdly, the composition of CBD oils in Poland should not contain THC (up to 0.2%), while medical marijuana is very rich in this ingredient (up to 19%). It should be made clear that CBD oil and medical marijuana are two different products.

#4. MYTH: CBD oil is a medicament.

CBD oils available on the European market are not medicament. CBD products take various forms: food, dietary supplements, cosmetics, but not medicaments. Some manufacturers claim that their product heal, which is a dangerous and illegal statement. Cannabinoids have enormous, proven positive effects on the human body, but attributing them to curing cancer, coronavirus, HIV or other serious diseases is only feeding on the hopes of sick people by dishonest sellers.

#5. MYTH: CBD is illegal.

This is a very dangerous myth. Let’s be clear – cannabidiol is fully legal in the European Union (including Poland, Germany, UK etc.), it is not on any list of controlled, narcotic or dangerous substances. Trade of cannabidiol is not licensed and does not require a permit. There are no studies that would say that CBD-containing food, cosmetic, and medicinal products are harmful to humans – quite the opposite. The World Health Organization (WHO) has a positive opinion of this substance.

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